Evotec SE today announced the launch of the first commercial version of its PanOmics data analysis platform PanHunter at Bio-IT World (18-19 October in Berlin, Germany). PanHunter is Evotec’s PanOmics data access and analytics platform and was developed and used successfully internally and in industry-shaping drug discovery partnerships over many years. Evotec now makes PanHunter available to collaborators and partners as a software-as-a-service (“SaaS”) product. Die Original-Meldung zu diesem Chemie Unternehmen finden Sie unter https://www.evotec.com/en/investor-relations/news/corporate-news/p/evotec-launches-panomics-data-analysis-platform-panhunter-at-bio-it-world-6220
Evotec and TIAP expand LAB150 BRIDGE partnership to include Amgen
Evotec SE and Toronto Innovation Acceleration Partners (“TIAP”) today announced that the two companies have expanded LAB150, their translational BRIDGE partnership, to include Amgen as a strategic partner. The expansion goes along with a combined investment of US$ 14 m to expedite LAB150 programmes towards the formation of new companies. Die Original-Meldung zu diesem Chemie Unternehmen finden Sie unter https://www.evotec.com/en/investor-relations/news/corporate-news/p/evotec-and-tiap-expand-lab150-bridge-partnership-to-include-amgen-6218
Three exhibits – one goal: Sustainable and efficient production of packaging items
11.10.2022 At K 2022, three Allrounders specially designed for the packaging sector will be on… Die Original-Meldung zu diesem Chemie Unternehmen finden Sie unter https://www.arburg.com//en/press/press-releases/bulletin/nI/21458/
3-component Allrounder Cube: Compact and efficient cube-mould technology
06.10.2022 At the K 2022 trade fair, a particularly innovative application in terms of cube-mould… Die Original-Meldung zu diesem Chemie Unternehmen finden Sie unter https://www.arburg.com//en/press/press-releases/bulletin/nI/21426/
After Covid setback, Valneva lines up $100M for Pfizer-allied Lyme disease PhIII
The post After Covid setback, Valneva lines up $100M for Pfizer-allied Lyme disease PhIII appeared first on Valneva.
Die Original-Meldung zu diesem Chemie Unternehmen finden Sie unter https://valneva.com/after-covid-setback-valneva-lines-up-100m-for-pfizer-allied-lyme-disease-phiii/?lang=de
A success: 30 years of Arburg subsidiary in Malaysia
- Anniversary celebration: Over 100 guests in Petaling Jaya
- Demonstration: Gestica machine control in the showroom
- Open house event: Big celebration Oktoberfest style
Die Original-Meldung zu diesem Chemie Unternehmen finden Sie unter https://www.arburg.com//en/press/press-releases/bulletin/nI/21410/
Arburg at Formnext 2022: Freeformer in new size and new innovatiQ printer
- New: Freeformer 750-3X with 2.5 times larger build chamber
- Promotion: Freeformer 200-3X „soft“ launches at Formnext
- Arburg family: Comprehensive trade fair presentation with freeformers and 3D printers from innovatiQ
Die Original-Meldung zu diesem Chemie Unternehmen finden Sie unter https://www.arburg.com//en/press/press-releases/bulletin/nI/21390/
Aurobac Therapeutics Appoints Florence Séjourné as Chief Executive Officer
Aurobac Therapeutics SAS (Aurobac), announced today the appointment of Florence Séjourné as Chief Executive Officer. Aurobac is a joint venture recently created by Boehringer Ingelheim, Evotec SE and bioMérieux, focusing on the development of a new precision medicine approach, from diagnosis to cure to fight Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR). Die Original-Meldung zu diesem Chemie Unternehmen finden Sie unter https://www.evotec.com/en/investor-relations/news/corporate-news/p/aurobac-therapeutics-appoints-florence-sejourne-as-chief-executive-officer-6215
Symrise erhält BSB-Umweltpreis für Anti-Schuppen-Wirkstoff Crinipan® PMC green
— Kosmetikinhaltsstoff für Umweltfreundlichkeit ausgezeichnet
— Erfüllt vollständig BSB-Nachhaltigkeitskriterien basierend auf fundierten Daten
— Belegt Vorreiterrolle bei verantwortungsvoll beschafften und produzierten kosmetischen Inhaltsstoffen Die Original-Meldung zu diesem Chemie Unternehmen finden Sie unter https://www.symrise.com/de/newsroom/artikel/symrise-erhaelt-bsb-umweltpreis-fuer-anti-schuppen-wirkstoff-crinipanR-pmc-green/
Symrise präsentiert wirkungsvollen UV-Filter Neo Heliopan® EHT
— Erweiterung des Produktportfolio für Sonnenschutzfilter
— UVB-Absorber eignet sich besonders für diverse Sonnenschutzpflegeprodukte Die Original-Meldung zu diesem Chemie Unternehmen finden Sie unter https://www.symrise.com/de/newsroom/artikel/symrise-praesentiert-wirkungsvollen-uv-filter-neo-heliopanR-eht/