Evotec AG and Ferring Pharmaceuticals today announced a strategic research alliance to discover and develop new small molecule therapies to treat patients living with fertility and gynaecological conditions. Die Original-Meldung zu diesem Chemie Unternehmen finden Sie unter https://www.evotec.com/en/investor-relations/news/corporate-news/p/evotec-and-ferring-form-strategic-research-alliance-in-reproductive-medicine-and-womens-health-5735
Evotec and Celgene expand iPSC collaboration to include additional cell lines
Evotec AG announced today that the Company will receive a $ 6 m payment from Celgene following Celgene’s decision to expand the collaboration to include additional cell lines. Evotec and Celgene initiated the collaboration in December 2016 to identify disease-modifying treatments for a broad range of neurodegenerative diseases. Currently approved drugs only offer short-term management of the patients’ symptoms and there is a huge unmet medical need for therapeutic modalities that slow down or reverse disease progression. Die Original-Meldung zu diesem Chemie Unternehmen finden Sie unter https://www.evotec.com/en/investor-relations/news/corporate-news/p/evotec-and-celgene-expand-ipsc-collaboration-to-include-additional-cell-lines-5733
LAB150 awards its second drug discovery project from Canada’s largest research based Hospital, The University Health Network (UHN)
MaRS Innovation announced today the second project to be developed under their LAB150 partnership with Evotec. The project aims to develop a novel therapeutic approach to treat glaucoma, an irreversible neurodegenerative disease of the optic nerve which can lead to blindness. This project is derived from a decade of research investigating the molecular pathways underlying tissue damage and repair in the eye in the laboratory of Dr. Jeremy Sivak, Senior Scientist at UHN’s Krembil Research Institute, in Toronto. Die Original-Meldung zu diesem Chemie Unternehmen finden Sie unter https://www.evotec.com/en/investor-relations/news/corporate-news/p/lab150-awards-its-second-drug-discovery-project-from-canadas-largest-research-based-hospital-the-university-health-network-uhn-5731
Evotec signs agreement with Sanofi to advance early stage academic research into novel therapeutic candidates
Evotec AG announced today that it has established an initiative with Sanofi through the launch of a newly created BRIDGE, called LAB031, designed to accelerate drug discovery across multiple therapeutic areas. Die Original-Meldung zu diesem Chemie Unternehmen finden Sie unter https://www.evotec.com/en/investor-relations/news/corporate-news/p/evotec-signs-agreement-with-sanofi-to-advance-early-stage-academic-research-into-novel-therapeutic-candidates-5729
Evotec publishes DDup 7 – Kidney diseases 2.0
In this 7th DDup issue, we delve into the unique new kidney platforms poised to change the trajectory of kidney disease research and therapeutics development. Die Original-Meldung zu diesem Chemie Unternehmen finden Sie unter https://www.evotec.com/en/investor-relations/news/corporate-news/p/evotec-publishes-ddup-7—kidney-diseases-20-5728
Evotec and Almirall enter into research collaboration in the field of dermatological diseases
Evotec AG and Almirall, S.A. today announced that they have entered into a research collaboration to discover and develop first-in-class therapeutics through a novel approach to disrupt cell signalling, that is expected to deliver highly potent and durable treatments for debilitating dermatology diseases such as psoriasis and atopic dermatitis. Die Original-Meldung zu diesem Chemie Unternehmen finden Sie unter https://www.evotec.com/en/investor-relations/news/corporate-news/p/evotec-and-almirall-enter-into-research-collaboration-in-the-field-of-dermatological-diseases-5725
WACKER startet Cystin-Produktion in Spanien
„Mit unseren Investitionen am Standort León haben wir die besten Voraussetzungen geschaffen, um unsere Position als weltweiter Markt- und Technologieführer für fermentativ hergestelltes Cystin weiter zu stärken“, erläuterte Dr. Gerhard Schmid, Leiter des Geschäftsbereichs WACKER BIOSOLUTIONS, die Ausbaumaßnahmen. „Mit den modernisierten Anlagen im Bereich der Fermentation und der neuen Anlage für die Cystinproduktion sind wir optimal gerüstet, um den wachsenden Cystein- und Cystin-Bedarf unserer Kunden sicher zu decken und künftig auch neue fermentativ erzeugte Produkte zu kommerzialisieren.“
Cystin und die daraus hergestellte Aminosäure Cystein werden in der Pharma-, Kosmetik- und Lebensmittelbranche breit genutzt, beispielsweise zur Erzeugung von Aromen, um den Teig für Backwaren besser verarbeiten zu können, als Radikalfänger in Kosmetikprodukten oder als Schleimlöser in Hustenmitteln. WACKER stellt als weltweit erstes Unter-nehmen Cystin in einem patentierten biotechnologischen Verfahren durch Fermentation her. Durch die vollständig pflanzlichen und anorganischen Ausgangsprodukte sind das Cystin und Cystein von WACKER rein vegetarisch. Dadurch eignen sie sich besonders für den unbedenklichen Einsatz in Lebensmitteln oder Pharmaprodukten. Im Jahr 2008 hat WACKER für sein innovatives Herstellungsverfahren von Cystein den Umweltpreis des Bundesverbands der Deutschen Industrie (BDI) erhalten.
WACKER BIOSOLUTIONS bietet auf Grundlage fortschrittlicher biotechnologischer Prozesse maßgeschneiderte und innovative Lösungen und Produkte für den Life Science-Sektor. Dazu zählen Pharmaproteine, Cyclodextrine sowie fermentatives Cystin und Cystein. Daneben ergänzen chemische Katalogprodukte wie Acetylaceton und die hochqualitativen Polyvinylacetat-Festharze das Portfolio. Der Geschäftsbereich konzentriert sich auf die Herstellung kundenspezifischer Lösungen für Wachstumsbereiche, wie z.B. Lebensmittelinhaltsstoffe, Pharmawirkstoffe und Agrochemikalien.
Die Original-Meldung zu diesem Chemie Unternehmen finden Sie unter https://www.wacker.com/cms/de/press_media/press-releases/pressinformation-detail_96128.jsp?rssid=96128
Evotec AG listed in MDAX
Evotec AG announced today that its shares will be included in the MDAX as of 24 September 2018 as announced by Deutsche Börse on 05 September 2018. This dual listing of the Evotec shares in both TecDAX and MDAX results from the rule changes regarding the inclusion of companies in the MDAX, SDAX and TecDAX. Die Original-Meldung zu diesem Chemie Unternehmen finden Sie unter https://www.evotec.com/en/investor-relations/news/corporate-news/p/evotec-ag-listed-in-mdax-5723
Evotec and Celgene enter partnership in the field of targeted protein degradation
Evotec AG announced today that Evotec and Celgene Corporation (“Celgene”) have entered into a third long-term strategic drug discovery and development partnership in the field of targeted protein degradation. In this collaboration, Evotec and Celgene will leverage Evotec’s Panomics platform in order to identify drug targets which are traditionally difficult to track. Evotec’s Panomics platform applies in particular high-end proteomics and transcriptomics at industrial scale to profile and select promising drug candidates on the basis of comprehensive cell biological profiles. Die Original-Meldung zu diesem Chemie Unternehmen finden Sie unter https://www.evotec.com/en/investor-relations/news/corporate-news/p/evotec-and-celgene-enter-partnership-in-the-field-of-targeted-protein-degradation-5721
Evotec and CHDI Foundation extend ongoing collaboration to fight Huntington's disease
Evotec AG today announced that CHDI Foundation, Inc. (“CHDI”) has extended its collaboration with Evotec through to 2023. Over this period, CHDI may fund up to 75 full-time scientists at Evotec. The collaboration was initiated in 2006 and has grown considerably over this period to fully utilise Evotec’s best-in-class integrated neuroscience platform. The extension of this collaboration is a further validation of Evotec’s investment in new technologies and capabilities in support of driving innovative drug discovery collaborations. Die Original-Meldung zu diesem Chemie Unternehmen finden Sie unter https://www.evotec.com/en/investor-relations/news/corporate-news/p/evotec-and-chdi-foundation-extend-ongoing-collaboration-to-fight-huntingtons-disease-5717